Stadium House, Alderstone Rd, Livingston EH54 7DN, United Kingdom
01506 414332


We will work with you to define your retirement goals - ensuring the best method and timing for you.

How do I properly prepare for retirement?

We will guide you professionally, respectfully and entirely.

Personal Pension

State Pension




Planning for Retirement

Personal Pension

A personal pension plan helps you save money for retirement and is available to any UK resident under the age of 75. Contributions to a personal pension attract tax relief at your marginal rate.

Stakeholder Pension

A stakeholder pension is a type of personal pension plan designed to provide an optional lump sum and income in retirement. They are available to any UK resident under the age of 75.

State Pension

A regular payment made by the government to people who have paid or been credited with a minimum amount of National Insurance contributions and have reached State Pension Age.


An annuity is a contract between a provider and a pension scheme member where the member uses some or all of their pension savings to purchase a regular and guaranteed income.

*Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.*

*The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.*

It's never too early!


Drawdown is a more flexible approach which has recently been introduced, allowing access to your pension funds in ways not seen before, matching your individual needs and requirements.

Planning for Retirement

There are many ways to fund retirement – and there’s no one size fits all retirement funding formula. Some people rely wholly on their pensions. However, often it’s best to rely on a mixture of different options, especially if you have big plans for your later years.

The sooner you start to plan for your retirement the better.

–Gene Perret

"I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day."